
My Transformative Journey

Originally from the UK, I embarked on a life-changing journey over 15 years ago when my daily experience was living with anxiety, overwhelm and dissonance. I moved to the US eight years ago. It wasn't a seamless transition, and I encountered my fair share of bumps along the way.

As a driven career woman, I've walked the tightrope of managing corporate responsibilities while nurturing relationships and family bonds. I too have grappled with the struggle of knowing my various roles without truly knowing myself.

Untangling Threads and Finding Alignment

Over the past decade, I've consciously dedicated myself to personal growth. This voyage allowed me to unravel the threads that were holding me back from a fulfilling existence. My story doesn't involve quitting my corporate role; instead, it's about aligning my choices with my authentic self—the amalgamation of my passion, purpose, and true desires. I've learned that a life well-lived is one where every decision resonates with who you genuinely are.

From Experience to Empowerment

Through my own trials and triumphs, I've developed a fervent passion for aiding others in their transformation. My experiences have equipped me with the wisdom to guide you through your own journey of self-discovery. I've honed a skillset that's not just about achieving goals; it's about cultivating confidence, resilience, and a profound understanding of your capabilities.

I invite you to embark on this journey with me. Let's untangle the threads together, navigate the complexities of life, and ignite the confidence and wisdom that reside within you. As your personal development coach and mentor, I'm here to illuminate your path to empowerment and help you craft a life that resonates with your authentic self.

 Are you Ready…

to see yourself in a whole new light? Let’s get the ball rolling!