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Becca Becca

How We Get in Our Own Way: A Journey to Overcoming Common Obstacles

It all begins with an idea.

Life is a beautiful journey, but sometimes we find ourselves stumbling on the path due to various internal obstacles. As a coach, I've had the privilege of guiding many individuals towards self-discovery and growth. In this blog, we'll explore some of the key stumbling blocks that often hinder our progress: people-pleasing, perfectionism, restlessness, judgment, control, feeling like a victim, avoidance... By understanding these obstacles and embracing a mindful approach, we can pave the way for a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

People-Pleasing: The Burden of External Validation

One of the most common obstacles I encounter is the tendency to people-please. Often rooted in early life experiences and relationships, this pattern is hard to break - not least because it is rewarded by society. Striving to make others happy can lead us to neglect our own needs and desires, leaving us feeling drained and disconnected from our true selves. Embracing self-discovery and setting healthy boundaries is essential to break free from the cycle of fearing others’ judgement and seeking external validation.

Perfectionism: Embracing Imperfection as a Stepping Stone

Perfectionism, though often disguised as a pursuit of excellence, can paralyze us with fear of failure. The pressure to be flawless can prevent us from taking risks and embracing growth opportunities. By shifting our perspective and acknowledging that imperfection is a natural part of the human experience, we can unlock our potential and enjoy the journey without the weight of unrealistic expectations.

Restlessness: Cultivating Stillness in a Chaotic World

The modern world is filled with distractions that contribute to restlessness. We're constantly bombarded with information and stimuli that make it difficult to find inner peace. Through mindfulness practices such as meditation and deep breathing, we can quiet the noise around us and connect with our inner selves, finding solace amidst the chaos.

Judgment: Letting Go of the Need to Criticize

The habit of judging ourselves and others can cloud our perceptions and hinder personal growth. By cultivating compassion and understanding, we can break free from the grip of judgment and create a more positive and nurturing environment for self-discovery.

Control: Surrendering to the Flow of Life

The desire for control is often rooted in fear and can prevent us from fully embracing the unpredictable nature of life. Learning to let go and surrender to the flow allows us to open ourselves up to new experiences and opportunities, leading to personal transformation and growth.

Feeling Like a Victim: Reclaiming Empowerment

Feeling like a victim of circumstances can rob us of our power and hinder our progress. Shifting from a victim mentality to one of empowerment involves taking responsibility for our choices and actions. This shift liberates us to make positive changes and shape our lives according to our own desires.

Avoidance: Taking Bold Steps Forward

Avoidance and procrastination often stem from fear of failure or discomfort. However, avoiding challenges only prolongs our journey to growth. By acknowledging our fears and taking small, consistent steps towards our goals, we can overcome inertia and build momentum towards positive change.

My goal is to help individuals who feel stuck in these habits, by exploring and understanding why these patterns exist. Then we can navigate and guide you towards a more authentic, fulfilling life where you have the agency to make different choices.

By recognizing and understanding the roots of these patterns, we can start making conscious choices that align with our true selves. Embracing self-awareness, setting boundaries, knowing our values and cultivating self-compassion are essential tools on this journey. Remember, progress is not about perfection; it's about the willingness to learn, adapt, and grow with an open heart and an open mind.

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Becca Becca

Nurturing Happiness and Fulfillment: Your Guide to a Joyful Journey

It all begins with an idea.

Life's journey is a magnificent tapestry woven with threads of experiences, emotions, and choices. Along this path, we have the power to shape our own destinies. To do so requires the mindful cultivation of self-love, empathy, exploration, innovation, and action. So, grab a cup of your favorite brew, settle in, and let's embark on this journey of self-discovery and growth together.

Embrace the Warm Embrace of Self-Love and Compassion

Imagine your heart as a cozy haven where self-love and compassion reside. Too often, we're quick to judge ourselves and critique our perceived flaws. Instead, let's envelop ourselves in a warm embrace of self-love, recognizing that we're all beautifully imperfect beings, worthy of kindness and understanding, starting from within.

Extend the Hand of Empathy to Yourself and Others

“With self-compassion, we give ourselves the same kindness and care we’d give to a good friend” (Kristin Neff). Empathy, that magical ability to understand and share another's feelings, isn't reserved solely for others. Extend this hand of empathy to yourself, acknowledge your struggles and celebrate your triumphs - no matter how small. In a culture that rewards women for being selfless, where being “selfish” goes firmly against the social grain, it takes strength and resilience to change the narrative. But change it we must. Just as you'd lend an empathetic ear to a friend, offer that same gentle listening to your own heart.

Nurture Curiosity and Embrace the Spirit of Exploration

Remember the childlike wonder you had when discovering the world around you? Reignite that flame of curiosity. Embrace the uncharted territories within your passions, interests, and ideas. Every moment is an opportunity to explore, learn, and grow, unveiling the mysteries that make life all the more enchanting.

Spark the Flames of Innovation and Creativity

Creativity isn't confined to artists and creators. It's a spark within each of us, waiting to ignite innovative solutions and novel perspectives. Whether you're crafting a masterpiece, solving a complex problem, or simply finding a new approach to daily tasks, let your creativity flow freely and infuse a touch of magic into everything you do.

Align with Your Values, Ignite Your Passion, and Live with Purpose

Picture your values as the guiding stars that light up your life's journey. Let them steer you toward your passions, those activities that set your soul ablaze with enthusiasm. Combine your values and passions to uncover your unique purpose, your North Star that guides your actions toward a life of meaning and fulfillment.

Take Bold Steps Forward with Inspired Action

All these contemplations and aspirations find their truest expression through action. The choices you make, the steps you take—they all contribute to your journey. Remember, small actions can lead to monumental transformations. Whether it's a tiny step or a giant leap, each action brings you closer to your dreams.

As a wanderer on this journey of life, you hold the compass to your own happiness and fulfillment. Embrace yourself with love and compassion, extend empathy to your heart and to others, and venture into the uncharted territories of your curiosity. Ignite your creativity, align with your values, and set your passions ablaze, all while taking decisive steps forward. In this you will find your true power.

As you walk this path, remember that every day is an opportunity to weave more colors into your tapestry of experiences. Approach each day with wisdom, openness, and a friendly spirit. May your journey be filled with wonder, growth, and the resplendent joy of discovering your own happiness and fulfillment.

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Becca Becca

Nurturing Your Inner Balance: A Spiritual Guide to Wellbeing for Working Parents

It all begins with an idea.

If you’re reading this, chances are you, too, wear multiple hats and juggle the intricate dance of life as a working professional and a devoted parent - not to mention a partner or spouse. Your journey is a remarkable one, but amidst the many roles you play, it's essential to remember that your own wellbeing deserves a spotlight too. But when I talk about “wellbeing” I think of it not as a process, but as an outcome. As a coach, I'm here to offer you some practical yet profound tips to help you build your personal experience of wellbeing while embracing the beautiful chaos of being a working parent. Transformational wellbeing happens through inner work. If you are not ready or simply don’t have the time for the are some small tips that can make a big impact.

Embrace the Power of Mindful Moments

In the whirlwind of tasks and responsibilities, it's easy to lose touch with the present moment. Start your day with a mindful ritual—a few deep breaths, a moment of gratitude, or a few minutes of gentle meditation. These small pockets of presence will anchor you in the now, allowing you to move through your day with a greater sense of calm and clarity.

Create Sacred Spaces of Self-Care

As you create spaces for others in your life, remember to carve out sacred spaces for yourself. Whether it's a cozy reading nook, a corner for meditation, or a place for creative expression, these spaces serve as reminders that you are deserving of self-nurturing. Regularly visit these spaces to recharge your spirit and reconnect with yourself.

Prioritize Boundaries: A Gift to Yourself and Others

Boundaries are not walls; they're loving shields that protect your energy. As you navigate the roles of parent and employee, establish clear boundaries to prevent burnout. Communicate your needs with your loved ones and colleagues, and honor your boundaries as a way to show respect for your time, energy, and inner balance.

Embody Self-Compassion and Let Go of Perfection

It's time to shed the superhero cape and embrace your beautifully imperfect self. Self-compassion is the gentle reminder that you're doing the best you can. Release the need for perfection in every area of your life, and replace it with the understanding that mistakes and challenges are simply stepping stones on your path of growth.

Nurture Connections: Quality Over Quantity

In your role as a working parent, time can be a precious commodity. Rather than spreading yourself thin, focus on nurturing meaningful connections. Share quality moments with your loved ones, whether it's a heart-to-heart conversation with your child or a laughter-filled catch-up with a friend. These connections will replenish your heart and energize your spirit.

Practice the Art of Letting Go

Perfectionism is a burden, and the weight of unnecessary responsibilities can be equally exhausting. As a spiritual coach, I encourage you to practice the art of letting go. Delegate tasks when possible, say no to commitments that drain your energy, and gracefully release expectations that no longer serve you.

Don’t forget that your journey is one of love, growth, and remarkable resilience. Remember that nurturing your own wellbeing is not a selfish act; it's a sacred responsibility that allows you to shine brightly in all the roles you play. By embracing mindful moments, creating spaces of self-care, setting boundaries, practicing self-compassion, nurturing connections, and letting go, you're embarking on a transformative journey toward a balanced and fulfilling life. May your path be blessed with joy, harmony, and the unwavering love you deserve.

If you are ready to explore your journey further, please reach out. I’d love to chat.

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